Кайсиеви бани за сирене
Пресният кайсиев компот се върти с пълнене на чийзкейк в този ръчен десерт. Лесно е да направите доста декоративни модели. Опитайте с плитки движения назад и назад, фигури на осмици и свободни спирали.
Източник: Всекидневна храна, юли / август 2010 г.
Общо време
Сменете го: Заместете конфитюр с 3/4 чаша за кайсиевата смес – харесваме боровинката.
27.04.2023 @ 07:46
This recipe for fresh apricot compote with cheesecake filling is a delicious dessert that is easy to make and can be decorated in various decorative patterns. Try making shallow backward and forward movements, figure eights, and free spirals. The recipe calls for graham crackers, sugar, salt, unsalted butter, apricots, lemon juice, cream cheese, sour cream, vanilla extract, and eggs. The crust is made by processing the graham crackers, sugar, and salt in a food processor and then mixing in melted butter. The apricot compote is made by cooking apricots, sugar, and salt until the sugar dissolves and then pureeing the mixture in a food processor with lemon juice and water. The cheesecake filling is made by beating together cream cheese, sour cream, sugar, vanilla extract, and eggs until smooth. The compote is then swirled into the cheesecake filling and baked until set. This recipe can be varied by using different fruits or jams in place of the apricot compote.