One Comment

  1. Kale
    27.04.2023 @ 08:49

    This text is in Bulgarian and it provides useful tips on how to cook shrimp. The author advises to buy fresh shrimp instead of frozen ones, as they can have an unpleasant texture. The key to flavorful shrimp is also in the shell, so its recommended to look for shrimp that still have their shells. The author also suggests adding flavor to the cooking liquid with ingredients such as lemon, herbs, black pepper, carrots, and celery. Its important to watch the clock and cook the shrimp for only a minute and a half until they are fully opaque. After cooking, the shrimp should be immediately placed in an ice bath to stop the cooking process. Finally, the author recommends making a homemade cocktail sauce with horseradish, white wine vinegar, ketchup, lemon juice, salt, sugar, and hot sauce to serve with the shrimp. Overall, this text provides helpful advice for cooking delicious shrimp.