Budete chtít pevné, ale zralé jablka, které jsou sladké, jako například Empire nebo Gala. Skořicí v tomto domácím dortu dopadnou na místo. Vezměte několik minut, než uspořádáte plátky jablek v čistých kruzích na spodní části pánve – když je dort pečený a obrácený, najdete je zdobení vrcholu.
This text is in Czech and it talks about a recipe for a homemade cake with apples and cinnamon. The author recommends using firm and ripe apples, such as Empire or Gala, and taking a few minutes to arrange the apple slices in clean circles on the bottom of the pan, as they will become the decoration on top of the cake. The recipe includes ingredients such as unsalted butter, brown sugar, flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, granulated sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, and whole milk. The instructions explain how to prepare the pan, mix the ingredients, and bake the cake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. The cake should cool in the pan for at least 30 minutes before being flipped onto a serving plate. Overall, this recipe seems delicious and easy to follow.
26.04.2023 @ 23:33
This text is in Czech and it talks about a recipe for a homemade cake with apples and cinnamon. The author recommends using firm and ripe apples, such as Empire or Gala, and taking a few minutes to arrange the apple slices in clean circles on the bottom of the pan, as they will become the decoration on top of the cake. The recipe includes ingredients such as unsalted butter, brown sugar, flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, granulated sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, and whole milk. The instructions explain how to prepare the pan, mix the ingredients, and bake the cake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. The cake should cool in the pan for at least 30 minutes before being flipped onto a serving plate. Overall, this recipe seems delicious and easy to follow.