Dieses spanische Gericht, das auf Tortilla Espanola basiert, wird traditionell mit Knoblauchmayo serviert, ist aber auch allein köstlich.
Quelle: Alltagsessen, November 2003
Kochs Notizen
Sie können übrig gebliebene gekochte oder gebackene Kartoffeln anstelle der rohen verwenden. Einfach in Scheiben schneiden und am Ende von Schritt 2 in die Zwiebelmischung geben. Es ist in Ordnung, wenn die Kartoffeln nicht gleichmäßig kochen. Einige werden gebräunt sein; einige werden nur durchscheinend sein.
This Spanish dish based on Tortilla Espanola is traditionally served with garlic mayo, but it is also delicious on its own. The recipe includes sliced potatoes, onions, and red peppers, mixed with eggs and seasoned with salt, pepper, and fresh rosemary. The mixture is then baked in the oven until set and cut into wedges for serving. The recipe suggests using leftover cooked or baked potatoes instead of raw ones, and its okay if the potatoes dont cook evenly. This dish sounds like a flavorful and hearty meal that would be perfect for a cozy dinner at home. ¡Buen provecho!
27.04.2023 @ 01:05
This Spanish dish based on Tortilla Espanola is traditionally served with garlic mayo, but it is also delicious on its own. The recipe includes sliced potatoes, onions, and red peppers, mixed with eggs and seasoned with salt, pepper, and fresh rosemary. The mixture is then baked in the oven until set and cut into wedges for serving. The recipe suggests using leftover cooked or baked potatoes instead of raw ones, and its okay if the potatoes dont cook evenly. This dish sounds like a flavorful and hearty meal that would be perfect for a cozy dinner at home. ¡Buen provecho!