Crème de Menthe und pudrig gepresster Tee mit grünem Tee, gefroren und in kleinen Porzellangeschirr serviert. Die Desserts sind weniger zerbrechlich als gebackene Souffles und können einen Tag im Voraus zubereitet werden.
Quelle: Martha Stewart Living, Mai 2006
Kochs Notizen
Das Eigelb in diesem Rezept ist nicht vollständig gekocht. Es sollte nicht für Schwangere, Babys, Kleinkinder, ältere Menschen oder Personen, deren Gesundheit gefährdet ist, vorbereitet werden.
This recipe sounds delicious! The combination of Crème de Menthe and powdered green tea frozen in small porcelain dishes is a unique and refreshing dessert idea. I appreciate that it can be prepared a day in advance, making it a convenient option for entertaining. However, it is important to note that the recipe contains raw egg yolks and should not be prepared for certain individuals, such as pregnant women, babies, toddlers, older adults, or those with compromised health. Overall, I look forward to trying this recipe and serving it with a dusting of green tea.
27.04.2023 @ 17:44
This recipe sounds delicious! The combination of Crème de Menthe and powdered green tea frozen in small porcelain dishes is a unique and refreshing dessert idea. I appreciate that it can be prepared a day in advance, making it a convenient option for entertaining. However, it is important to note that the recipe contains raw egg yolks and should not be prepared for certain individuals, such as pregnant women, babies, toddlers, older adults, or those with compromised health. Overall, I look forward to trying this recipe and serving it with a dusting of green tea.