Französische Brötchen
Diese leckeren Brötchen sind einfach kleine runde Baguettes. Sie vermitteln eine förmlichere Luft als ein Baguette und sind daher ideal zum Unterhalten.
Quelle: Martha Stewart Living, Januar 2008
Kochs Notizen
Brötchen sind am besten an dem Tag, an dem sie hergestellt werden, aber sie können in Pergament verpackt und dann Folie und bei Raumtemperatur über Nacht (oder gefroren für bis zu 1 Monat; tauen bei Raumtemperatur vor dem Servieren) gelagert werden.
27.04.2023 @ 01:04
These delicious rolls are simply small round baguettes. They convey a more formal atmosphere than a baguette and are therefore ideal for entertaining. The recipe, from Martha Stewart Living, January 2008, yields 16 rolls. To make them, work with one portion of dough at a time and keep the rest covered. Fold the dough in half lengthwise to form a tight, narrow log, then press the edges together with lightly floured fingertips to seal. Cut into 8 pieces with a dough scraper or knife. Gather the edges and gently tuck them under the dough to create a round shape that pinches to seal. Place the rolls on a generously floured linen towel or parchment-lined baking sheet. Cover loosely with oiled plastic wrap and let rise at cool room temperature until almost doubled, about 30 to 40 minutes. Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F, with a baking stone on the middle rack and a cast-iron skillet on the lowest rack. Just before baking, use a lame or razor blade to slash an X on the surface of each roll. Pour 1/2 cup hot water into the skillet. Transfer the rolls and parchment to the baking stone. Immediately reduce the oven temperature to 450 degrees F. Bake until the rolls are deep golden brown, sound hollow when tapped on the bottoms, and register 205 degrees F on an instant-read thermometer, 35 to 40 minutes. Cool on racks. The rolls are best on the day they are made, but can be stored wrapped in parchment and then foil at room temperature overnight (or frozen for up to 1 month; thaw at room temperature before serving).