Challah von Hand
Dieses jüdische Brot, das oft an Feiertagen und Sabbat gegessen wird, macht fast so viel Spaß, es zu essen.
Quelle: Martha Stewart Living, Januar 2004
Kochs Notizen
Alle Zutaten außer Milch und Wasser sollten Raumtemperatur haben. Dieses Brot kann in einem wiederverschließbaren Plastikbeutel bei Raumtemperatur für bis zu zwei Tage aufbewahrt werden.
27.04.2023 @ 02:42
This Jewish bread, often eaten on holidays and Sabbath, is almost as much fun to eat as it is to make. The recipe, from Martha Stewart Living in January 2004, takes 4 hours and 10 minutes to make, with 50 minutes of preparation time. It yields one large loaf. The ingredients include unsalted butter, bread flour, warm water, sugar, whole milk, eggs, active dry yeast, and coarse salt. The directions involve mixing the ingredients, kneading the dough, letting it rise, shaping it into a braid, and baking it. The bread can be stored in a resealable plastic bag at room temperature for up to two days.