Макар че нейната текстура се различава от обикновения хляб, този хляб без глутен, със земен, пълнозърнест аромат, привлича както жителите на пшеницата, така и въздържалите се. За най-задоволителната хапка препоръчваме да се топе преди ядене. За трохи за хляб (чудесно за покриване на пиле) просто изсъхнете във фурна и ги смилайте.
This text is in Bulgarian and talks about a gluten-free bread recipe. The bread has a different texture than regular bread and is made with a variety of flours, including brown rice, soy, tapioca, and teff. The recipe also includes molasses, eggs, and canola oil. The bread is recommended to be melted before eating and can also be dried and ground for use as breadcrumbs. The recipe takes about 4 hours and 40 minutes to make and yields one 8-inch loaf.
27.04.2023 @ 09:08
This text is in Bulgarian and talks about a gluten-free bread recipe. The bread has a different texture than regular bread and is made with a variety of flours, including brown rice, soy, tapioca, and teff. The recipe also includes molasses, eggs, and canola oil. The bread is recommended to be melted before eating and can also be dried and ground for use as breadcrumbs. The recipe takes about 4 hours and 40 minutes to make and yields one 8-inch loaf.