Домашна кайсия сладко
Съхранявайте вкуса на лятото със сладко сладко.
Източник: Марта Стюарт Ливинг, есен 1991 г.
Бележките на готвача
Когато използвате голямо количество захар, го затоплете, преди да добавите към чайника. По този начин температурата на плода не се понижава твърде много.
27.04.2023 @ 10:12
This text is in Bulgarian and it talks about how to make a sweet apricot preserve to keep the taste of summer. The recipe includes fresh apricots, sugar, and water, and it yields around 9 8-ounce jars. The instructions involve halving the apricots, removing the pits, and combining them with water and heated sugar until the mixture reaches 221 degrees Fahrenheit. The preserve is then poured into sterilized jars and sealed. The author also gives a tip to warm up the sugar before adding it to the mixture to avoid lowering the temperature of the fruit too much. Overall, this recipe seems like a delicious way to preserve the taste of summer for later enjoyment.