Caramelized Cibule
Stačí jen trochu času, trochu cukru a tato cibule je plná čisté sladké chuti.
Zdroj: Každodenní výživa, prosinec 2009
Celkový čas
Cookovy poznámky
Ty mohou být použity v sendvičích, na burgeringu, v salátových dresinkách a ve vařené šošovce, rýžovém pilafu, nebo se zeleninou.
26.04.2023 @ 21:46
This text is in Czech language and it talks about a recipe for making sweet onions. The recipe requires butter, yellow onions, salt, and sugar. The onions are cooked for about 1 hour and 15 minutes until they turn golden brown and have a jam-like consistency. The finished product can be used in sandwiches, burgers, salad dressings, lentil or rice dishes, or with vegetables.