Polsk svampesuppe
Denne hjertelige suppe er lavet med tørrede borowik svampe – en skarp sort fra Polen – tørrede shiitakes og friske knap svampe.
Kilde: Martha Stewart Living, februar 2004
Cooks Notes
Da borowik svampe undertiden kan være svært at finde, kan du erstatte tørrede cepes, også kendt som porcini svampe. Opbevar altid tørrede svampe i en lufttæt beholder for at bevare deres smag.
26.04.2023 @ 21:43
This hearty soup is made with dried borowik mushrooms – a sharp black from Poland – dried shiitakes and fresh button mushrooms. The recipe is from Martha Stewart Living, February 2004 and serves 10 portions. The ingredients include dried mushrooms such as Polish borowik or cepes, dried shiitake mushrooms, homemade beef broth, celery, onions, carrots, white button mushrooms, orzo, unsalted butter, flour, sour cream, parsley, dill, salt, and freshly ground black pepper. The recipe involves soaking the dried mushrooms, simmering the broth with vegetables and hydrated mushrooms, adding sliced white button mushrooms and orzo, making a roux with butter and flour, thickening the soup with the roux and adding chopped parsley and dill, and finishing the soup with sour cream and sweet cream. The soup can be made with dried cepes if borowik mushrooms are not available. It is recommended to store dried mushrooms in an airtight container to preserve their flavor.