Velikonoční Babka
Tento vynikající recept na Velikonoční babku pochází z televizní show “Martha Stewart Living”.
Zdroj: Martha Stewart Show, březen 2008
Tento vynikající recept na Velikonoční babku pochází z televizní show “Martha Stewart Living”.
Zdroj: Martha Stewart Show, březen 2008
27.04.2023 @ 01:04
This recipe for Easter babka is excellent and comes from the TV show “Martha Stewart Living”. It makes 3 cakes and requires ingredients such as milk, butter, yeast, eggs, sugar, orange zest, lemon zest, vanilla extract, flour, almonds, raisins, and more. The instructions are detailed and easy to follow, resulting in golden brown cakes with a hollow sound when tapped. The glaze adds a nice touch to the babka. Overall, this recipe is a must-try for anyone looking to make a delicious Easter dessert.