Čokoládově-karamelový krémový koláč
Karamely zakryté čokoládou inspirovaly tento bohatý, hedvábný puding a jeho šlehačkou, která byla plná karamelu.
Zdroj: Martha Stewart Living, červen 2008
Cookovy poznámky
Karamelová směs musí být velmi studená, než se šlehačka skládá. Jinak se šlehačka zhroutí.
27.04.2023 @ 08:34
This recipe for a rich, silky pudding with caramel and chocolate-covered caramels was inspired by Martha Stewart Living in June 2008. The recipe calls for a chocolate crust and a caramel whipped cream topping. The instructions are in Czech and include a list of ingredients and step-by-step directions. The recipe notes that the caramel mixture must be very cold before whipping, or the cream will collapse.