Домашните ананаси от лед са добре дошли след закуска на топъл ден.
Източник: Всекидневна храна, септември 2005 г.
Общо време
Бележките на готвача
За да направите парчета, кори, квартал и ядро малко ананас (около 1 паунд). Нарежете на филийки с дебелина 1/4 инча, след това нарязани на 1/4-инчови парчета.
These instructions are in Bulgarian and describe how to make a delicious pineapple ice pop. The recipe calls for fresh pineapple chunks, milk, and sugar blended together and poured into molds with wooden sticks. The pops are then frozen for at least 4 hours or up to 2 weeks. This is a perfect treat for a hot day after lunch.
27.04.2023 @ 06:51
These instructions are in Bulgarian and describe how to make a delicious pineapple ice pop. The recipe calls for fresh pineapple chunks, milk, and sugar blended together and poured into molds with wooden sticks. The pops are then frozen for at least 4 hours or up to 2 weeks. This is a perfect treat for a hot day after lunch.