Папардала Паста с маслини, мащерка и лимон
Сосът за тази паста, разработен от главния готвач Джордж Герман от ресторанта на Al Forno в Провидънс, Роуд Айлънд, отнема само няколко минути, за да подготви.
Източник: Марта Стюарт Ливинг, септември 2000 г.
27.04.2023 @ 00:11
This recipe for pasta, developed by head chef George German of Al Forno restaurant in Providence, Rhode Island, takes only a few minutes to prepare. The ingredients include coarse salt, dry pasta, Kalamata olives, fresh flat-leaf parsley, extra-virgin olive oil, fresh thyme leaves, lemon zest, orange zest, and crushed red pepper. The instructions are to boil the pasta until al dente, reserving some of the cooking water, and then pulse the olives, parsley, oil, thyme, lemon zest, orange zest, and red pepper in a food processor until a thick puree forms. Toss the pasta with the puree, adding some of the reserved cooking water as needed to create a sauce that clings to the noodles. Serve immediately.