One Comment

  1. Conner
    27.04.2023 @ 17:25

    As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Whenever people ask for advice on how to organize their homes, we always suggest starting with the drawer. If you try to take on the whole house – or even just a room – at once, youre likely to end up in a corner. The drawer can be controlled, however, organizing one drawer can be a life variable. Whether its in your bathroom, office, or cursed kitchen junk drawer, implementing simple systems will make your day better – and we promise!

    And the good news is that every drawer, regardless of shape or size, requires exactly the same steps for organization.

    1. Take everything. Dont cheat by leaving anything in the drawer! Organization is like a diet. You wont succeed if you dont commit!

    2. Sort all the items you removed and group them into categories. Try to focus on things like pens, pencils, Q-tips, cotton balls, etc. These subcategories may end up in the drawer later, but this step helps you see what you have.

    3. After putting everything in front of you, it becomes easy to know what needs to be disposed of. If you have 200 pens, it may be time to lighten the load. Keep the things you love, use, and make you happy every time you open the drawer. The same applies to makeup, bathroom products, or anything else that takes up valuable space. We collect all things (organizers are guilty of that too!), but taking the time to declutter and organize will press the reset button and help you prioritize your items.

    4. Measure the height, length, and width of the drawer before purchasing any product. Every centimeter counts with drawers, so try to take accurate measurements. For the most accurate measurement, we recommend a digital tape measure. Accurate measurements will help you buy a product that fits your specific drawer and eliminate guesswork.

    Here are some of our favorite drawer organizers in a variety of materials and sizes.

    5. Finally, its time to put together the puzzle pieces. Before returning any items to the drawer, you want to arrange your product. We want to use a mix of large and small entries, and test multiple layouts to find the smartest space solution.

    Once the drawer is set up, you can start putting all your categories away. Drawers tend to take some trial and error,