One Comment

  1. Brett
    27.04.2023 @ 16:48

    بة الورد وعصير التوت والفودكا والليمون والشراب البسيط. يمكن تقديمه في أكواب الكوكتيل الصغيرة وتزيينه ببتلات الورد الطازجة لإضفاء لمسة نهائية رومانسية.   [احصل على وصفة: كوكتيل الورد التوتي]


    Photography by: Raymond Home

    The flowers will soon be in full bloom, so what better chance to host a garden party? You dont even need a garden! From floral cocktails to romantic decorations and sweets, heres how to turn any space into a bed of roses. Start with the star of the event: the flowers themselves. Theres no better place to host such a party than in your own beloved garden, and you can find inspiration in your own flowers for the partys color palette. Here, weve put together a bouquet of classic, old-fashioned flowers in a range of soft pink and delicate pastel yellow for an English countryside look. Enhance the drama of a mixed bouquet with complementary colors and through stages from bud to full bloom. English roses, hybrids of roses in old gardens and modern shrub roses, combine the old form and fragrance of old roses with the repeat-flowering characteristics of modern roses. The varieties featured in this collection include the heavenly scented “Juliet,” the delicate “Sweet Perfumella,” and the classic favorite “Baby Romantica.” After cutting them to your favorites, bring them to table settings, including fresh arrangements and dishware vessels on the table, and your guests will be immersed in soft, creeping flowers.


    هذا المقال يحتوي على العديد من الأفكار الرائعة لتزيين الحفلات بالورود. يمكن استخدام الورود في الديكورات والأطعمة والمشروبات لإضفاء لمسة رومانسية وجمالية على الحفلات. كما يمك