One Comment

  1. Danny
    27.04.2023 @ 15:49

    As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    “Take your pies to a new level. Turn frozen fruit into dessert. Photography: Aaron Dyer. Get the recipe for refreshing Melon Granitas. Chop up some serious pork shoulder. Get the Easy Pork Shoulder Recipe. Or some serious racquetball… Get the Italian Spaghetti Squash Recipe. Or loosen up the fluffiest, roughest rice. Make cute, homemade soap. Photography: Lisa Hubbard. Get the method for striped soap and potato stamp baby clothes. Get the method for potato stamped baby clothes. Or craft legitimately legit gnocchi… Get the simple potato gnocchi recipe. Peanut butter cookies will make any buffet feel ashamed. Photography: Con Poulos. Get the Easy Peanut Butter Cookies recipe. Set your table for success. Photography: George Ross. Or just leave a lasting impression on your guests. Photography: Victor Schrager. Get the method for balancing and promoting it to the main course. See more Utensil Drawer Substitutions. Arm your DIY demons for battle. Get the method for mini pumpkin creatures. Spin sugar into Instagrams edible clouds – worth the whimsy. Get the method for spinning sugar. When all else fails… always avocado toast. Your move, scraper.”