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  1. Porter
    27.04.2023 @ 17:36

    As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language to comment in. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Photography: Marcus Nilsson. Apple picking is a popular activity in North America, where apple orchards are abundant. Most varieties can be harvested between early September and November. You cannot always judge whether an apple is ready by its size or color; growers track the progress of the trees throughout the season, so listen to their advice. In the orchard, choose firm, blemish-free apples and twist them off the branch – do not pull them down. At home, store apples in the refrigerator (or other cool place) for several weeks. Wash them before eating.

    Photography: Marcus Nilsson. Best sauce types. For applesauce, look for juicy and easily breakable varieties. McIntosh is a classic that produces a familiar applesauce flavor; Gala and Cortland are other good choices. However, when it comes down to it, any apple can be used to make sauce, and Martha always makes mixed apple sauce with fruit from her farm. In fact, trying and mixing sweet dessert varieties or juicy apples with dry varieties can produce excellent results – the only problem is that you may not be able to replicate that exact taste.

    Delicious variations. Adjusting the recipe based on the flavor of the apple and your own preferences is easy. Cook the apples with a little sugar and add sweeter sauce; add spices like cinnamon, freshly ground ginger, nutmeg, or cardamom, or bourbon to enhance the flavor. In addition to eating alone, you can also try apple sauce on oatmeal, mixed into yogurt, or blended into a smoothie. Or cook it into apple butter and taste heaven on toast.