تقدم هذه اليرقة ، المصنوعة من خلال ترتيب الكعك في منحنى ، ترتيبًا لا ينسى لعيد ميلاد الطفل الأول. يتم استخدام واحد كب كيك جامبو في الرأس ، والكعك أكثر القياسية تشكل الجسم.
المصدر: كب كيك مارثا ستيوارت
يخضع أو يستسلم
للكب كيك
ملاحظات كوك
يمكن تخزين الكب كيك حتى يوم واحد في درجة حرارة الغرفة في حاويات محكمة الإغلاق.
This recipe for a caterpillar cake, made by arranging cupcakes in a curve, creates an unforgettable arrangement for a childs first birthday. One jumbo cupcake is used for the head, while standard cupcakes form the body. The recipe calls for 1 jumbo and 28 standard cupcakes, and the ingredients include flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt, unsalted butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, eggs, sour cream, and milk. The cake is decorated with tinted fondant, food coloring, cornstarch, and candy sticks. The directions include baking the cupcakes, making the buttercream frosting, and decorating the cake with fondant and candy. The final result is a cute and colorful caterpillar cake that is sure to delight any child.
27.04.2023 @ 08:36
This recipe for a caterpillar cake, made by arranging cupcakes in a curve, creates an unforgettable arrangement for a childs first birthday. One jumbo cupcake is used for the head, while standard cupcakes form the body. The recipe calls for 1 jumbo and 28 standard cupcakes, and the ingredients include flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt, unsalted butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, eggs, sour cream, and milk. The cake is decorated with tinted fondant, food coloring, cornstarch, and candy sticks. The directions include baking the cupcakes, making the buttercream frosting, and decorating the cake with fondant and candy. The final result is a cute and colorful caterpillar cake that is sure to delight any child.