تمتلئ طبقات كعكة الشيفون ومتبلور مع زبدة الكراميل الغنية في هذه الحلوى منحلة. أفضل جزء؟ ليس هناك حاجة إلى أنابيب مفصلة ؛ زينت الكعكة بذكاء مع كرات الحليب المملح في متجر ، بالإضافة إلى تجعيد الشعر الشوكولاته سهلة الصنع ونقاط الكراميل.
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يمكنك عمل نقاط الكراميل عن طريق اتباع الخطوة 1 من وصفة buttercream (احذف الكريم الثقيل). عندما يصل الكراميل إلى اللون المرغوب ، يصبه إلى نقاط على حصيرة خبز غير لاصقة. بالنسبة إلى الاختلافات في الألوان ، يمكنك تغيير وقت الطهي – فكلما طهيتم الكرمل أطول ، كلما أصبح اللون أكثر قتامة.
This text is written in Arabic and talks about a recipe for a layered chiffon cake with caramel buttercream frosting. The author mentions that the best part about this cake is that there is no need for complicated piping, as it can be decorated with salted milk balls, chocolate curls, and caramel dots. The recipe includes ingredients such as flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, oil, egg yolks and whites, milk, vanilla, and buttercream frosting. The directions involve mixing the dry ingredients, beating the egg whites, adding the wet ingredients, baking the cake, and assembling the layers with the frosting and decorations. The author also provides a tip for making caramel dots by following a buttercream recipe and pouring the caramel onto a non-stick baking mat.
27.04.2023 @ 06:11
This text is written in Arabic and talks about a recipe for a layered chiffon cake with caramel buttercream frosting. The author mentions that the best part about this cake is that there is no need for complicated piping, as it can be decorated with salted milk balls, chocolate curls, and caramel dots. The recipe includes ingredients such as flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, oil, egg yolks and whites, milk, vanilla, and buttercream frosting. The directions involve mixing the dry ingredients, beating the egg whites, adding the wet ingredients, baking the cake, and assembling the layers with the frosting and decorations. The author also provides a tip for making caramel dots by following a buttercream recipe and pouring the caramel onto a non-stick baking mat.