هذا التواء على كعكة الفاكهة سوف يروق لعشاق الكعك ومحبي الكراهية على حد سواء.
المصدر: مارثا ستيوارت ليفينغ ، كانون الأول / يناير 1999
ملاحظات كوك
هذه الكعكة ليست كعكة فواكه تقليدية ولكنها كعكة توابل من ثلاث طبقات لذيذة. استخدم ثلاث أوعية عميقة بحجم 8 × 2 سم لإعداد كل طبقة من الطبقات. قد يتم ملء الحاشية قبل يوم.
This fruit cake twist will please cake lovers and haters alike. The recipe includes walnuts, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, golden raisins, cinnamon, spices, sugar, vegetable shortening, eggs, and milk for the cake batter. The filling consists of pineapple, oranges, shredded coconut, sugar, cornstarch, and candied orange peel. The cake is baked in three layers and assembled with the filling in between. The final touch is a seven-minute frosting and additional candied orange peel and coconut for decoration. This recipe is from Martha Stewart Living, December/January 1999.
27.04.2023 @ 06:11
This fruit cake twist will please cake lovers and haters alike. The recipe includes walnuts, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, golden raisins, cinnamon, spices, sugar, vegetable shortening, eggs, and milk for the cake batter. The filling consists of pineapple, oranges, shredded coconut, sugar, cornstarch, and candied orange peel. The cake is baked in three layers and assembled with the filling in between. The final touch is a seven-minute frosting and additional candied orange peel and coconut for decoration. This recipe is from Martha Stewart Living, December/January 1999.