Islannissa tämä kerroksinen sieni-torta valmistetaan talvilomaille ja leimataan kaikkina vuodenaikoina pitkän säilyvyyden ansiosta.
Lähde: Martha Stewart Living, marraskuu 2009
Täyttöä varten
Cookin huomautukset
Kääri jälkiruoka muoviin ja säilytä huoneenlämmössä nauttimaan siitä jopa kolme kuukautta.
27.04.2023 @ 00:23
This recipe is in Finnish and it describes how to make a multi-layered mushroom cake that is perfect for winter holidays and can be enjoyed all year round due to its long shelf life. The recipe includes ingredients such as flour, baking powder, butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, milk, plums, water, cardamom, and confectioners sugar. The instructions are detailed and include steps for making the cake and the filling, assembling the layers, and storing the cake for up to three months. Overall, this recipe seems like a delicious and festive treat that would be perfect for any occasion.