This recipe for a very imaginative cake was provided by Karen Tack and can be found in her dessert recipe book “Hello, Cupcake!” The information source is the Martha Stewart Show, Spring 2008. The recipe makes 24 cakes or 8 “corn cobs”. The ingredients include vanilla frosting cake, yellow liquid food coloring, 24 vanilla cakes baked in white paper liners, 3 1/2 cups of small yellow, cream-colored or white jelly beans, such as Jelly Belly, 4 pieces of yellow fruit chews, such as Laffy Taffys or Starbursts, 1 tablespoon of black decorating sugar, 1 tablespoon of white decorating sugar, and 8 sets of corn cob holders (optional). The steps include coloring the frosting with food coloring to a pale yellow, frosting the cakes with yellow frosting, arranging five rows of jelly beans on each cake and placing them together, arranging three cakes side by side on a corn cob tray or plate to resemble a corn cob, repeating the process with the remaining cakes, frosting, and jelly beans, cutting the fruit chews into eight 1-inch squares, gently dirtying the edges to make them look like melted butter, placing one square on top of each corn cob, sprinkling with sugar, and inserting corn cob holders at the end of each corn cob if desired. Serve.
27.04.2023 @ 06:13
This recipe for a very imaginative cake was provided by Karen Tack and can be found in her dessert recipe book “Hello, Cupcake!” The information source is the Martha Stewart Show, Spring 2008. The recipe makes 24 cakes or 8 “corn cobs”. The ingredients include vanilla frosting cake, yellow liquid food coloring, 24 vanilla cakes baked in white paper liners, 3 1/2 cups of small yellow, cream-colored or white jelly beans, such as Jelly Belly, 4 pieces of yellow fruit chews, such as Laffy Taffys or Starbursts, 1 tablespoon of black decorating sugar, 1 tablespoon of white decorating sugar, and 8 sets of corn cob holders (optional). The steps include coloring the frosting with food coloring to a pale yellow, frosting the cakes with yellow frosting, arranging five rows of jelly beans on each cake and placing them together, arranging three cakes side by side on a corn cob tray or plate to resemble a corn cob, repeating the process with the remaining cakes, frosting, and jelly beans, cutting the fruit chews into eight 1-inch squares, gently dirtying the edges to make them look like melted butter, placing one square on top of each corn cob, sprinkling with sugar, and inserting corn cob holders at the end of each corn cob if desired. Serve.