فطيرة بريوش
عجينة مخففة بالبيض ، مخفوقة بالزبدة الحلوة لصنع فطيرة بريوش ، الفرنسية.
المصدر: مارثا بيك ، الحلقة 1003
يخضع أو يستسلم
عجينة مخففة بالبيض ، مخفوقة بالزبدة الحلوة لصنع فطيرة بريوش ، الفرنسية.
المصدر: مارثا بيك ، الحلقة 1003
يخضع أو يستسلم
27.04.2023 @ 16:30
This recipe for French brioche pie dough, made with egg and sweet butter, is a delicious treat. Martha Becks recipe, episode 1003, makes 2 loaves. The dough is made with milk, active dry yeast, all-purpose flour, bread flour, kosher salt, sugar, eggs, and unsalted butter. The butter is then packaged and rolled into a rectangle, chilled, and then rolled into the dough. The dough is then rolled into a rectangle, folded, and chilled. The dough is then rolled into a rectangle, folded, and chilled again. The dough is then rolled into a rectangle, folded, and chilled one last time. The dough is then rolled into a rectangle, cut into 6 equal pieces, and placed in buttered loaf pans. The dough is then brushed with egg wash and baked until golden brown. This recipe is a must-try for anyone who loves French pastries.