يشارك مادهور جافري أسهل طريقة لطهي الأرز البسمتي ، المعروف أيضا باسم chaad basmati saaday. لا يضاف الملح عادة ، لأنه من المفترض أن يؤكل مع الطعام الجيد ، مثل دجاج Jaffrey’s مع الكزبرة المحمصة في صلصة جوز الهند بالكاري.
This article discusses the easiest way to cook basmati rice, also known as chaad basmati saaday, according to Madhur Jaffrey. Usually, salt is not added because it is supposed to be eaten with good food, such as Jaffreys chicken with roasted coriander in coconut curry sauce. The recipe calls for washing the rice, soaking it for 30 minutes, boiling it in water, and baking it in the oven for 30 minutes. The rice can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
27.04.2023 @ 15:20
This article discusses the easiest way to cook basmati rice, also known as chaad basmati saaday, according to Madhur Jaffrey. Usually, salt is not added because it is supposed to be eaten with good food, such as Jaffreys chicken with roasted coriander in coconut curry sauce. The recipe calls for washing the rice, soaking it for 30 minutes, boiling it in water, and baking it in the oven for 30 minutes. The rice can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.