استخدمنا أزرار جديدة و shiitake وكذلك porcini المجففة. أي مجموعة من الفطر الطازج ستعمل ، ولكن ستشمل دائما بورسيني لسوائل النقع اللذيذ.
المصدر: Everyday Food ، تشرين الثاني (نوفمبر) 2008
الوقت الكلي
ملاحظات كوك
إن نقع فطر بورسيني المجفف في الماء الساخن يخففه ويخلق مرق مكثف يستخدم لصلصة الباستا. العثور على بورسيني المجففة في الممر الدولي للأسواق والمحلات التجارية الذواقة.
This text is in Arabic. It discusses the use of new buttons and dried shiitake and porcini mushrooms in a pasta dish. The recipe includes instructions for cooking the pasta and mushrooms with butter, white wine, and herbs, and serving it with Parmesan cheese. The author notes that soaking dried porcini mushrooms in hot water creates a concentrated broth that can be used in the sauce. They also suggest looking for dried porcini mushrooms in specialty markets.
27.04.2023 @ 09:41
This text is in Arabic. It discusses the use of new buttons and dried shiitake and porcini mushrooms in a pasta dish. The recipe includes instructions for cooking the pasta and mushrooms with butter, white wine, and herbs, and serving it with Parmesan cheese. The author notes that soaking dried porcini mushrooms in hot water creates a concentrated broth that can be used in the sauce. They also suggest looking for dried porcini mushrooms in specialty markets.