تقدم أطباق الطبقة والخبز طرقًا لتحويل بقايا الطعام إلى شيء رائع – وهي وسائل مثالية للمكونات الصحية. في هذا الطبق ، يقدم القليل من جبن Gruyere نسيجًا منحطًا ، في حين أن البطاطا الحلوة والكراث والتفاح المبشور المنعش يجعل الطبق رطبًا بشكل خاص ، لذلك يمكنك استخدام كمية أقل من الدهون.
This dish sounds delicious! Its great to see ways to turn food scraps into something wonderful, and this dish is perfect for healthy ingredients. The combination of Yukon gold potatoes, sweet potatoes, and shredded apples sounds particularly moist and flavorful, so you can use less fat. The addition of Gruyere cheese adds a rich texture to the dish. I cant wait to try this recipe!
27.04.2023 @ 03:25
This dish sounds delicious! Its great to see ways to turn food scraps into something wonderful, and this dish is perfect for healthy ingredients. The combination of Yukon gold potatoes, sweet potatoes, and shredded apples sounds particularly moist and flavorful, so you can use less fat. The addition of Gruyere cheese adds a rich texture to the dish. I cant wait to try this recipe!