Nutella kermavaahtoa
Tarjoile tätä makeaa kastiketta yhdessä Maitokakkutakakun reseptin kanssa, joka on Kateen kuningas, Tate’s Bake Shopin omistaja.
Lähde: Martha Stewart Show, Episode 7128
Tarjoile tätä makeaa kastiketta yhdessä Maitokakkutakakun reseptin kanssa, joka on Kateen kuningas, Tate’s Bake Shopin omistaja.
Lähde: Martha Stewart Show, Episode 7128
26.04.2023 @ 23:32
Translation: Serve this sweet sauce with Tates Bake Shop owner Kates Milk Cake recipe. Source: Martha Stewart Show, Episode 7128. Makes enough for one 9-inch square cake. Ingredients: 2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup Nutella. Instructions: 1. In a small saucepan, bring heavy cream to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat and whisk in Nutella until smooth. Transfer mixture to the bowl of an electric mixer; chill until cooled. 2. Attach bowl to electric mixer fitted with paddle attachment; beat until creamy and smooth. Use immediately.