One Comment

  1. Ryder
    27.04.2023 @ 07:59

    As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:

    1. Kneading
    Worthy fact: If your kitten massages you with its paws, she thinks you are her mother. What could be a greater sign of love than that? According to John Bradshaw, an anthrozoologist and author of “Cat Sense,” cats learn the act of gentle kneading from their mothers as kittens.

    2. Tail in the air
    You always wonder what it means when your cat throws its tail in the air? This is certainly a nice gesture. Bradshaw says, “The right tail is perhaps the clearest way cats show their love for us.” She is not excited when she stretches her tail; she just wants to send a little love her way.

    3. Rolling on the back
    Like her canine colleague, cats also want scratches. Bradshaw says that when a cat climbs on your lap or shows her belly, she wants to roll. By allowing this, she maintains a positive relationship with you. After all, she wouldnt let anyone touch her.

    4. Cleaning things
    Your cat is not necessarily obliged to indulge in treats when she presses against you or random objects in the house. “Rubbing the feet of owners or nearby objects shows love,” Bradshaw confirms. Next time, touch her and give her a good hit in return.

    5. Slow blinking
    According to pet experts, your cat communicates something specific when she purrs at you: attachment. This is because cats are highly anxious and closing their eyes in front of others shows a sense of complete trust. By relentlessly blinking, your furry friend tells you that she acknowledges that you are not a threat – and in the language of cats, this is a serious expression of love. When she does this, she blinks.

    6. Smaller pupils
    Eyes are really something to watch out for (sorry for the pun). The Humane Society says that constricted pupils show a happy and calm cat. On the other hand, dilated pupils mean that she is anxious in her environment. In this case, it is best to give her space.

    7. Twisting the tail
    This tail is very expressive. Experts say that when she curls it around you or other kittens, she emits a social feeling. So the next time you want to get involved in a little TLC, twist it with your fingers and see how she responds