One Comment

  1. Gustavo
    27.04.2023 @ 02:32

    As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic.

    Making marshmallows from scratch may seem daunting, but it is not complicated, and the end result is sure to impress everyone with your creations of chicks, bunnies, and flowers – in between bites! Marshmallows are a timed combination of sugar and water with gelatin, which replaced the slimy root of the marshmallow plant long ago. Cooked sugar to the soft-ball stage (238 degrees) mixed with soft gelatin and other flavors or food coloring is quickly poured onto a bed of sugar or cornstarch. Then, the treats are coated with granulated sugar, which can be individually colored with glitter or luster dust. We also used brown sugar, dark and milk chocolate, angel flakes, and macaroon coconut (ideal for making nests and bunnies) and royal icing. Bakery suppliers sell all the ingredients; the basics can be found in a supermarket. Its time to buy and start!