Khaliyat an-anhel tarkoittaa “mehiläispesä” arabiaksi ja antaa nimensä tähän vaikuttavaan jälkiruokaan. Kun paistetaan, pehmeät pullat, jotka sijaitsevat tiukasti panimossa, muistuttavat mehiläisen hunajakennoa.
Lähde: Martha Stewartin ruokakoulu, Episode 512
27.04.2023 @ 02:47
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:
The Khaliyat an-anhel dessert is a beautiful representation of the honeycomb structure of a beehive. The soft buns, tightly packed in the pan, resemble the hexagonal cells of a honeycomb. The use of apricots in the syrup and filling adds a fruity sweetness to the dish. Martha Stewarts recipe is easy to follow and yields a generous amount of 30 buns. This dessert is perfect for impressing guests or indulging in a sweet treat.