Mini suklaa-täytetyt evästeet (Baci di Dama)
Italian “lady’s kisses”, nämä pienet sandwich evästeet kerroksittain tummaa suklaata ovat täydellinen säestys illallisen jälkeen espresso.
Lähde: Martha Stewart Living, tammikuu / helmikuu 2023
27.04.2023 @ 01:31
These Italian “ladys kisses” are small sandwich cookies with layers of dark chocolate, perfect to accompany an espresso after dinner. The recipe, from Martha Stewart Living, takes 2 hours and 20 minutes, with 45 minutes of prep time, and yields 32 cookies. The ingredients include almond flour, unbleached flour, sugar, butter, vanilla extract, lemongrass, salt, and chopped lemon or lime cookies. The cookies are baked and then filled with a mixture of melted chocolate and butter. They can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. This recipe sounds delicious and I cant wait to try it!