This recipe is in German and it suggests using the onion mixture as a topping for grilled sirloin steak. The recipe calls for sweet and red onions, white wine vinegar, sugar, salt, scallions, and pepper. The onions are soaked in ice water for 30 minutes, then drained and mixed with the vinegar mixture. After cooling, the scallions are added and the mixture is seasoned with pepper. This sounds like a delicious and flavorful topping for steak!
27.04.2023 @ 05:39
This recipe is in German and it suggests using the onion mixture as a topping for grilled sirloin steak. The recipe calls for sweet and red onions, white wine vinegar, sugar, salt, scallions, and pepper. The onions are soaked in ice water for 30 minutes, then drained and mixed with the vinegar mixture. After cooling, the scallions are added and the mixture is seasoned with pepper. This sounds like a delicious and flavorful topping for steak!