Disse chokoladeholdige behandler er toppet med et sejt lag af marshmallows, nødder og endnu mere chokolade. Ungene vil næppe være i stand til at vente, indtil brownies er cool!
Kilde: Hverdagsmad, juni 2008
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Cooks Notes
For at forhindre toppings i at sænke i smeten, skal de drysses efter at brownies er bagt. En ekstra 5 minutter i ovnen smelter topping sammen for nem at skære.
This recipe for chocolate treats topped with marshmallows, nuts, and even more chocolate sounds absolutely delicious! I can imagine that kids would have a hard time waiting for the brownies to cool down before digging in. The recipe seems fairly easy to follow, with simple ingredients like butter, chocolate chips, sugar, eggs, flour, marshmallows, and nuts. I appreciate the tip about adding the toppings after baking to prevent them from sinking into the batter. Overall, this recipe looks like a winner!
26.04.2023 @ 21:39
This recipe for chocolate treats topped with marshmallows, nuts, and even more chocolate sounds absolutely delicious! I can imagine that kids would have a hard time waiting for the brownies to cool down before digging in. The recipe seems fairly easy to follow, with simple ingredients like butter, chocolate chips, sugar, eggs, flour, marshmallows, and nuts. I appreciate the tip about adding the toppings after baking to prevent them from sinking into the batter. Overall, this recipe looks like a winner!