Simple Citron Tart
Blowtorchen opfordrede til i det sidste trin kan enten være den almindelige type fra en hardware butik eller en specialkokken model fra en køkkenforretning butik.
Kilde: Martha Stewart Living Television, Episode 7526
27.04.2023 @ 15:06
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be in Danish. The text discusses the use of a blowtorch in the final step of a recipe for a lemon tart. It suggests that either a regular blowtorch from a hardware store or a special chefs model from a kitchen supply store can be used. The recipe includes instructions for making a short crust pastry, a lemon filling, and caramelizing sugar on top of the tart using a blowtorch or broiler.