Jordnøddesmør is
Brug dit yndlingsmærke af traditionel jordnøddesmør; Smag og tekstur af alle naturlige versioner fungerer ikke godt i denne opskrift.
Kilde: Martha Stewart Living, juli 2008
Cooks Notes
Frys i op til 1 uge; blødgøre i køleskabet før brug, ca. 10 minutter.
27.04.2023 @ 10:25
This text is in Danish and talks about using a specific brand of traditional peanut butter for a recipe. The author suggests that the taste and texture of natural versions may not work well in the recipe. The recipe is for peanut butter ice cream and includes heavy cream, milk, egg yolks, sugar, salt, vanilla extract, and chunky peanut butter. The mixture is heated and then chilled before being frozen in an ice cream maker. The peanut butter is swirled in at the end. The ice cream can be stored in the freezer for up to a week.