Използвахме цветна комбинация от биволско сирене и червени, жълти и оранжеви черешови домати, но всички узрели домати щеше да работи. Сервирайте салата като подправка за сандвичи или като странично ястие за риба или пиле на скара.
This text is written in Bulgarian and talks about a recipe for a salad made with a colorful combination of buffalo cheese and red, yellow, and orange cherry tomatoes. The salad can be served as a condiment for sandwiches or as a side dish for grilled fish or chicken. The recipe includes instructions on how to prepare the salad, including cutting the tomatoes into small pieces, heating oil in a pan, adding garlic and cooking until golden brown, and then adding oregano and mixing with the tomatoes, salt, pepper, vinegar, and olives. The recipe is from Martha Stewart Living, August 2002.
27.04.2023 @ 07:32
This text is written in Bulgarian and talks about a recipe for a salad made with a colorful combination of buffalo cheese and red, yellow, and orange cherry tomatoes. The salad can be served as a condiment for sandwiches or as a side dish for grilled fish or chicken. The recipe includes instructions on how to prepare the salad, including cutting the tomatoes into small pieces, heating oil in a pan, adding garlic and cooking until golden brown, and then adding oregano and mixing with the tomatoes, salt, pepper, vinegar, and olives. The recipe is from Martha Stewart Living, August 2002.